FocusOn 1.48: Isabelle Kessedjian aka @kessedjian on Instagram


Instagram is a great creative field for talented people. helps you to discover, sometimes unkown, surprising users. People addicted to Instagram, telling about their lives, revealing their passions and sharing Instagram tips.

Quand je serai grande

Today we feature @kessedjian aka Isabelle Kessedjian from France. Instagramers follows Isabelle, an amazing Parisian artist, for a long time now and already posted her crochet hooking “Instagram Iphone Pocket” tutorial, more than one year ago. (Read the article here)

Isabelle, painter, teacher of painting & sculpture, and ‘crocheter’, has created her own dreamy world in her workshop in Montmartre with her famous pictures “Quand je serai grande…” (When I grow up, I will be….) Isabelle has now 174.000 followers on Instagram and her work is known worldwide.


Here name is Isabelle Kessedjian…

But everybody knows her as @kessedjian (See her feed here)
Meet the person behind these fabulous, cute and funny pictures.


You are: Boiling with ideas!

You would like to be: More zen, more confident.

3 items to take to a desert island: Colored pencils, paper and my apple peeler.

What has been your most bizarre life experience: Yesterday, when I met ‘General de Gaulle’ at the bakery. He bought macaroons and gave me a nice wink.

A super power you would like to have: The power to make troublemakers disappear.

If you ruled the world: Recovery of the National Service (Military), with a special crochet hooking training instead of using arms. ‘Vache-qui-rit’ (the laughing cow) free for everyone, a worldwide Ministry of Tenderness and good humor.


In ‘real’ life

Happy alone (with Instagram), in love, married or it’s complicated: A bit of everything at once.. and it’s complicated!

You love: My string cords, my friends, my apple peeler.

You can’t stand: Jealousy, pettiness, badly peeled apples.

A song that best describes you: Isabella by Moriarty… or ‘La reine des pommes (the apple queen) by Lio!

Your hobbies: I have trouble differentiating my professional activities and my hobbies. Painting, photography, crocheting… It all blends into each other, all day, every day, 365 days a year!

A trip you dream of: A trip through time.

A quote: Heureux les fêlés, car ils laissent passer la lumière by Michel Audiard (Imposible to translate)

A wish: That everybody would be creative!

Some-one you admire: The guy who invented the apple peeler. I don’t know who he is, but it’s awesome. (We did some research; it was David Harvey Goodell in 1864 and he called it the “the Lighting apple parer.”)

What more must we know about you in one phrase: I love life, I love creating.


Your life on Instagram

Your Instagram birthday: December, 14th 2010

iPhone, Android, DSLR: iPhone

How did Instagram change your life: Instagram awoke my passion for photography. It also allowed me to get in touch with a lot of people that I would never have met without this App.

Instagram for professional or personal use: Both. As I mentioned before, both sides are part of my life.

Define your style in one word: Dashing!

Daily time spent on Instagram: 23 hours and a half!

Favorite hashtag: #drawing #crochet

A filter: I never use filters

An App: SigNote

Pictures that make you laugh on Instagram: @woopix’s pictures

Pictures that must be forbidden on Instagram: We should punish severely all those who take photographs with a bad taste. For example, they all should stand in the corner until after lunch.

An improvement for Instagram: It would be nice if it was also a weather station, toothbrush … and an apple peeler.

Life without Instagram would be: Less fun, less enriching, but more relaxing too!

An Instagram user we can’t miss: She is only 16 years old and makes great pictures of my village @perrin_

Anything else? I am very happy and proud to have gained my place on Instagram.


Thank you very much Isabelle, I am very fond of your work! I hope you keep on sharing the beauty of art and happiness.


Follow Isabelle Kessedjian

Instagram | TwitterBlog | Atelier | See Isabelle’s favorite pictures below










