FocusOn 1.52: Ofentse Mwase aka @UncleScrooch on Instagram


Instagram is a great creative field for talented people.uncle scrooch helps you to discover, sometimes unkown, surprising users. People addicted to Instagram, telling about their lives, revealing their passions and sharing Instagram tips.


In our last interview we featured an amazing creative French guy addicted to Street Art called @ChristianGuemy (see interview here) today we feature an aspiring Cinematographer from South Africa. At first, uploading pictures to Instagram for him was just for fun.. Until a good friend told him that his Instagram pictures were crap! Read all about how that changed @UncleScrooch‘s life on Instagram.


His name is Ofentse Mwase…


When I joined Instagram I just wanted to upload random pics, my whole take on it changed a whole 180 when a friend of mine, @linxtwala blatently told me (cause I’m a Cinematographer), my Instagram photos were crap. I was so offended as my whole take on it changed. At that time I also started following some super talented IGers, i.e @normster, that my whole perspective on Instagram changed. From then on I just started on feeding my creativity and how good instagram photos are meant to be. Then it took off. From then on I tried my best to get realy good photos and I’ve been loving it ever since.


Professionally I’m a Cinematographer and that’s my favorite thing to do in the world, being behind a camera and shooting all kinds of videos for TV and Theatre. Story telling just fulfills my life. I also use skills I’ve gotten from knowing Cinematography in my Instagram photography and vice versa, it’s been so fulfilling for me. This will be a great year for me as I’ll be DOP on a local television series, very excited about that project. Other than than videos I’ve worked on can be found on YouTube, just search Ofentse Mwase.”


Thank you very much Ofentse, for your contribution to this website! Did you igers know that Instagram also posted one of Ofentse’s pictures on their blog? Have a look here!


You can find more information about Ofentse on YouTube and Tumblr or follow him on Instagram and Twitter!


You are:  Ofentse Mwase, an aspiring Cinematographer from Rustenburg in North West, living in Johannesburg, South Africa.

You would like to be: A Seasoned Director of Photography and Oscar Winner.

3 items to take to a desert island: Land Rover : D , Extra Fuel and Food.

What has been your most bizarre life experience: When I got mugged at gunpoint  while shooting a view of Joburg at night! That was freaking weird, felt like it’s a joke.

A super power you would like to have: A Super Genius Brain!

If you ruled the world: Make Education free and a Birth right!


In ‘real’ life

Happy alone (with Instagram), in love, married or it’s complicated: Married, in the process with negotiations, I am half way through it now.

You love: Shoot Films! My number 1 Love!

You can’t stand: Being used when I’m not benefitting at all!

A song that best describes you: Linkin Park – Leave out all the Rest

Your hobbies: Instagram, Gaming

A trip you dream of: Mars, when we finally have a station there! Woah O_O.. or just Italy.

A quote: “There’s a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path.”

A wish: To never Lack

Some-one you admire: Matthew Libatique, guys cinematography is just amazing. He always finds a visual style that suits the script every single time.

What more must we know about you in one phrase: Very Passionate about Cameras!


Your life on Instagram

Your Instagram birthday: April 25th, 2012

iPhone, Android, DSLR: iPhone only

How did Instagram change your life: Made me waaay more aware of Sunsets and just how beautiful the world around us is.

Instagram for professional or personal use: Personal, wouldn’t mind if it became professional.

Define your style in one word: Silhouette

Daily time spent on Instagram: 2 – 5 hours

Favorite hashtag: #byScrooch

A filter: None

An App: Snapseed

A gadget: My Mini Tripod

Pictures that make you laugh on Instagram: The recent Hide and Seek shots, never laughed so hard before on Instagram.

Pictures that must be forbidden on Instagram: Self Portrait Mirror shots and Food!

An improvement for Instagram: Stop changing the Interface! Add Rotation adjust to the crop options, something most people need.

Life without Instagram would be: Terrible, really like all the friends I’ve made on there.

An Instagram user we can’t miss: @davidgnad He’s a legend. By far the funniest iger I follow!

Anything else? Instagram is a great tool that opens up the mind to interesting and new things, a fresh perspective on life and all the surrounding, so I wish for everyone to explore more, as I’ve been doing as it really enriches the mind as well as offers a sense of adventure. Keep Gramming..

Describe your favorite pic: A scene around sunset of two couples kissing under a defined light streak in the middle of a park.

Techniques:  I shoot most my shot low down the ground, that’s my most favorite perspective.


Thank you very much Ofentse, it’s funny to know the story behind the man with those amazing pictures!


Follow Ofentse Mwase

Instagram | Twitter | YouTube | Tumblr | See some of Ofentse’s favorite pictures below











