FocusOn 1.59: John Lomas IV aka @jlom4 on Instagram


Instagram is a great creative field for talented people.

jlom11 helps you to discover, sometimes unkown, surprising users. People addicted to Instagram, telling about their lives, revealing their passions and sharing Instagram tips.

In our last interview we featured the King of Clowns of Cirque du Soleil’s Kooza show @soarfeat (see interview here) today we feature John Lomas IV aka @jlom4 from Jacksonville, Florida.

“Every chance I get to connect and meet with individuals who I have only seen through their photos, is always a humbling experience. The world, the people in it, their lives and their stories, is what inspires me and sparks my creativity, thats what I feed off.”


His name is John Lomas IV…


Quick story, I used my account originally to save filtered images. Once my photo saved with the filtered image, I deleted the photo. After awhile, I started to follow people who tweaked my interest and I soon wanted to mimic the photos they had taken. Since that time, I have been able to meet some amazing artists, some who are professionals and some who are just having fun.”


jlom usa




Thank you very much John, for your contribution to this website!


You can follow John on Instagram and also instagramers USA, that recently featured one of John’s amazing pictures! 




You are:  John Lomas IV

You would like to be: A jack of all trades and a master of none.

3 items to take to a desert island: Bible, drum kit and life vest (I can’t swim yet).

What has been your most bizarre life experience: Nothing ceases to amaze me, I don’t believe the most bizarre has happened, ask me in another couple of months. Ha.

A super power you would like to have: Teleportation.

If you ruled the world: I couldn’t rule the world, I think I would be too laid back.


In ‘real’ life

Happy alone (with Instagram), in love, married or it’s complicated: In love!

You love: Laugh and smile and do the same for others.

You can’t stand: Missing sunrise / sunset.

A song that best describes you: Christian Scott – Like That

Your hobbies: Playing the drums, taking photos and running.

A trip you dream of: A global tour.

A quote: “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss

A wish: For one massive IG gathering

Some-one you admire: It’s not just one person, it’s those that persevere.

What more must we know about you in one phrase: Relaxed.


Your life on Instagram

Your Instagram birthday: I am not sure, sometime in 2012 though.

iPhone, Android, DSLR: iPhone only.

How did Instagram change your life: Most definitely. I take notice to everything.

Instagram for professional or personal use: Personal

Define your style in one word: Moody

Daily time spent on Instagram: 5 hours, give or take.

Favorite hashtag: #jlom4thewin. It was given to me by my brothers.

A filter: Natural

An App:  AfterLight

A gadget: Olloclip

Pictures that make you laugh on Instagram: Duckfaces

Pictures that must be forbidden on Instagram: Mirror Selfies

An improvement for Instagram: The spam must end!

Life without Instagram would be: Mundane

An Instagram user we can’t miss: @downtownrickybrown

Anything else?  I want to visit every city and have a chance to get to know at least one person who has the same passion as myself.


Thank you very much John, it’s an honor to have interviewed you, I’m a big fan of your instagram photo gallery ever since the first picture and it’s just getting better and better!



See some of John’s pictures below













