Hashtag and crash bugs on Instagram 2.0


Since this morning, thousand of users reported us important problems with # Hashtagging in new version 2.0 of Instagram App.


As you may know, hashtags are very important in our daily instagramers life and a massive report of crashes is running all over the world today.

It seems problems appeared early this morning (european time) and we made a quick enquiry in our Instagram @Igers feed.


The big question is if this bug is provoked by a decision of Instagram Team or a technical issue. We contacted them and await for their answer.


Read the instagram Team official answer here!


Here is a list of the most important crash and bugs reported today in our @Igers account. (119 comments right in the moment we post this article)


scrubmonkey in the support pages it does say you can only use 10 tags per pic…but it looks like they have just started enforcing it.


fhung I just experienced it but suspect that it’s not a bug but intentional… To limit hashtags the way they limit @ mention to five. Not happy.


paulifacetico I think you can not tag more than 12 tags. To delete all tags is not enought. Sorry for my english !!!


missemiu I haven’t noticed the tagging problem, but my IG keeps on crashing several times per day, especially if I try to search tags.


pittmyride Hi there @igers I have latest version, and there’s a hashtags bug!! Error report has been sent!!


bibstamatic I have a feeling Instagram are doing something about Hashtags abusers.


raphaelsolholm Think the big problem right now with the limit is that you can not enter a contest with a photo that has 12 or more hashtag


david_baer Affecting me as well. I seem to be able to tag in the initial caption, but not as consistently in the comments. I’ll pay attention to the quantity of tags. I sense an IG policy enforcement, but it seems to act like a bug at the same time. We’ll see. Thanks for posting!


tinas_photography Yes, I couldn’t hash tag my pic I posted last night. Tried several times then gave up. Tried again this morning still no luck. Very irritating indeed


missstefny HELP INSTAGRAM : The limit on the number of tags you can use on a photo is 10. If you include more than 10 tags on a single photo, your comment will fail to post


mozusa For help and other information, search through  https://help.instagram.com/


nrs74 @julezw they state that on the help page, but last night I was able to tag a picture with more tags… Too bad. I think limiting the number of tags just does not allow us to reach an higher number of igers


carlosb84 In the instagram help: “The limit on the number of tags you can use on a photo is 10. If you include more than 10 tags on a single photo, your comment will fail to post” I think the rule is now active.


johnnysmash You think they would have better control of the people who posts nude pix of themselves than to be worrying about hash tagging abuse. If of course they are trying to control hashtagging.


mozusa I uploaded a new photo in my other a/c and tried tagging and could tag upto 11..when I tried the 12th tag, it refused and when I retried, ig crashed..


mattchinaski Say goodbye to #N-likes and #user_favorites bah. I think 11 is not enough. A limit could be reasonable but not so low…


We sent a mail to Instagram to ask for more details and we will you keep informed as soon as we will have news!




Remember there is a way to manage your tags with Instagallery App. More info here!