Introducing the worldʼs first Moleskine Notebook and Analog App


Itʼs called AbracadabrApp and it has been designed in Barcelona by the “things agency” Honest&Smile


Following on from the runaway success of the crowdfunding campaign at the end of 2012, Moleskine and Honest&Smile just announced first series of AbracadabrApps are shipping now at the Moleskine Store (and at the Spanish gift-shop for the Spanish markets).


“But, seriously… Whatʼs an Analog App?”

Honestly, it is hard to explain it with words… So we have created this video to present it:




The Moleskine notebook has been hacked: a hole has been drilled through its pages to accommodate a rotating mirror. This lets you see front and back views in the same shot when you’re taking photos or videos. Suggested use: Enter a cafe of your choice.

Take the AbracadabrApp out of your pocket. Insert the iPhone in the stand to the side, position the mirror, place a handyfilter over the camera and shoot! Step back and take in the smiles and surprised looks on the faces of your fellow cafe dwellers.


abracadabrapp-image-moleskineThe product explores the creative possibilities that arise from the intersection of the digital and the analog worlds, creating visual effects that no digital app in the market can completely replicate (which feels kind of surprising, considering that the AbracadabrApp only uses some colored filters + a portable mirror + a notebook).


Itʼs the worldʼs first Moleskine Notebook and Analog App. And itʼs now available for everyone! Compatible with iPhone 4, 4S and with iPhone 5 with a regular case.




If you wish to contect the developers of the Abracadabrapp! 

For further info about this product, please contact Ignasi Giró Phone: +34 656 57 97 05 / Email: ignasi @


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