, Discovering your real photographer value?
In yesterday Web App review we discovered the passion for Instagram by the team of developers of Followgram, today – and going forward on analyzing the crazy fever of Instagram´s based web apis launchings – we have a look to another awesome and original project.
How many times did you think the “Pops” were not very “fair” or were lil bit surexposed to other criteria than the real value of the photographer´s pics?
Here is a “new way” to evaluate your pics through new parameters.
It´s probably not the definitive version but we do appreciate people spending time for our Instagramers´s Life needs!
We interviewed today developers to discover who were behind this incredible app and their aims.
How did you start with this interesting project?
We started working on on November 2010 and we quickly realized that we should find a good way to organize/rank photos.
So we started developing several algorithms and we found that ranking the photographer based on the influence of their photos was the best way to surface the best content.
Two weeks ago, we showed the algorithm to a couple of friends that were a lot into photography (and also instagram fans) and they wanted to know how we were ranking them. So, we decided that this could be a nice stand-alone site and that’s how we got started.
.Were you IG addicts before launching your project?
Yes, half of the team is very active in IG here you have their usernames as they have all iphones: @aseba, @pau, @jcabo80.
The other half has android… (Phil: Nobody is perfect lol)
As an user, can you explain which is the Core value of your new web app?
At a first glance, our app lets you find how well you do with your current photosharing activity relative to the universe of photographers out there and, more specifically, relative to your friends.But there’s more to it than just a relative score. You can use photorank to discover other interesting photographers and to get discovered.
Link other photo-sharing accounts so that your profile visitors can visit your accounts on other sites.
Which is the main differences comparing to the “Most Pop” rank in Instagram?
We use different sources to measure your influence, and not only instagram.
For example, if you tweet your instagram pictures and people react to them on twitter, we also take that into account. Also, we integrate other photo-sites such as Flickr, so if on top of your iPhone you have an SLR camera, we count that too.
PhotoRank means Ranks. How many people will be available in the rank?
Everyone can get a photorank score, and everyone can see how they compare to their friends in their friends ranking. However, only top photographers make it into the world leaderboard. We’re also working on other rankings like “Only instagram photographers” or on a city/country basis.
Which is your relation with Instagram Team or other partners?
We use their API, so far, that’s it.
Which are your next steps?
We want to make Photorank something that helps you in an activity that you’re arlready doing (taking good photos). So, we expect continue acquiring users and developing new features that help them understand how good they are taking photos.
We also want to sign up developers to our soon to come API so they can mashup our inteligent scoring system with photo applications out there.