InstaTour an Instagramers Trip around Toscana organized by Igers Toscana


Last year, you may have heard about our first “Instagramers Trip” ever. The journey was organized in view to promote Catalonia Region through Instagram. The campaign called #CatalunyaExperience supported by the Catalan Board of Tourism invited 11 Igers to travel around the area and document it through their influencer´s feed. The action received a great coverage on Tv, Press and meant a huge impact in further tourism promotions through the app.

Today we introduce you a new action promoted by one of our Instagramers Group. The next InstaTour in Italy.


logo_instatourDuring the weekend of 24 and 26 May will take place INSTATOUR 2013


In the weekend of 24 and 26 May will take place INSTATOUR 2013, an event designed by Antonio Ficai, community manager of @igerstoscana, in collaboration with the other manIgers Tuscans and FAN Media Studio.

The event will take as a point of departure and arrival in Florence at the Web Art Festival in Fortezza da Basso.


The Instatour is the result of a reworking of the classic model of blog tour that is an event organized to promote a tourist destination via internet, calling at some travel bloggers. Here, through planned activities will be carried live tourist destination to participants in real-time and retrospective, with specific items, tell the experience to their readers.


The Instatour added to this formula some simple changes:


  • Storytelling of the event in real-time tour through photographic images published onlythrough Instagram
  • The candidature of the participants is accepted directly via internet
  • Any internet user with a good activity in main social media can be selected without necessarily being a professional blogger.
  • The challenge is about participating in different steps and missions with a “treasure hunt” process to gain access to new stages of the tour with the help of  their social media networks supporters.


This fourth point is the “body and soul” and the “core idea” of Instatour, and define a new template or format of event baptized as “social media reality”: The participants will live a weekend in an area unknown for them, with a program of experiences and activities that will be revealed each time as a result of evidence that will solve with the help of their friends from outside through their favorite social media Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.


“The experience that will be create will be engaging for all participants: From the players selected to the locals but also the fans who follow the Instatour on internet” says Antonio. “The choice of Instagram as a media player of the initiative is consecutive experience dealing with the activities of the various groups Instagramers Italy over the past two years, confirming the idea of how much a snapshot image of the moment, in certain contexts , is worth a thousand words written after the event”.


Recent activities in January and February by members of Instagramers Italy in promoting territorial regions of Marche and Umbria , have allowed us to refine our new model of territorial promotion, working with the desire to create an event in the future replicable anywhere.




Check more info at website