FocusOn Instagramers 1.18: @Civilking


Each week, discovers new people. People addicted to Instagram revealing their lives, passions, tips in Instagram. This week we discover a new country through a great photographer´s eyes.

And country I love. Turkey@Civilking is our guest today.


His name is Mehmet…


… But all the people know him like @Civilking.

I met him while exploring Turkish Igers streams when we were talking about Launching  @IgersTurkey local Instagramers group with @thecordelian and @neslihanozel.


Mehmet´s incredible HDR photos impacted me at the first sight… As you may know, i´m very found of colors and particularly HDR effects… But Its pics were different. Images of traditional turkish buildings, doors and streets in a very personal way.

Few weeks after, my lovely friend @Ria recommended me his stream and i had an iSmile.

I decided then to interview him, one day… And today, this day has come.

In Turkey, there is a huge Instagramers Community and great artists, I wanted to tribute through this post too.

Long Life to Instagramers Addiction in Turkey!


@civilking is 41 and he is living in Istanbul for 21 years.


Istanbul is probably one of the most beautiful and intriguing cities all over the world.


In fact, Mehmet was born in Bursa.

He spent his childhood close to the sea, the mountains, surrounded by lakes and waterfalls, trees and animals.

Although he was not born in Istanbul, he admits he felt in love and reborn when he began to live in this amazing city.


He says, he has always been curious to know what’s behind a hill…


… And wondering what’s happening under the water… So he´s always in a kind of quest going here and there looking, searching and never giving up.


While he was studing Psychology at İstanbul University, he began to work in “Industrial Kitchen manufacturing Design” and today he is still linked to the same kind of business.

Although his work is more technical than creative, his interests and perceptions in life are very different.


He spends most of his time life reading books, listening to music, watching movies and working on Cinema in my life.

Cinema is definitely very important for him as much as taking photos in did.

He enjoys probably it the most.


“If I could do what really I´m really willing to, I would dedicate my life to Cinema”.


Mehmet a.k.a @civilking kindly accepted to answer to our weekly interview.


When did you first join IG?


I first joined Instagram around 5 months ago and I have to recognize that “My world is getting bigger and bigger” till then. LoL.


Why are you so addicted to IG?


I think i have a special feeling for Instagram, really. It´s a place where there is no difference of religions, languages and human races. We share and open our world, our lives to each other. And that´s the point that amazes me the most.


Were you already found of photo before?


Yes, I’ve been taking photos for 20 years now. This last 10 years have been more intensely.

I refused to take photos with digital cameras during many years. I was very happy with my analog machine!

But since I started 2 years with my Iphone, I can´t stop anymore.


Which are the 3 best pics apps?


My favorite editing apps are Camera+, PS Express and Picfx. But there are many new apps to discover in Itunes for Iphone.

I love the Camera+’s HDR and Vibrant effect, PS Express is a kind of Photoshop for Iphone. You can edit “lightning”, “saturation” so easily. And finally I think Picfx is just good for my creativity and imagination!


How long time do you spend a day in IG? Doing what?


Whenever I have time, I spent many hours in Instagram but I don’t want to tell how many hours!!! LOL

I always check on my feed, I like giving feedbacks to my friends pics. My favorite hashtags are #cats, #architecture, #dogs and #hdr.

I spend most of the time checking on them to discover good, talented users. There are many great artists on Instagram!


How did you get so many followers in so litlle time?


Definitely, I think it’s a union with photography lovers.

I’m just trying to post my best works in my stream and most of my followers found me through Instagram Popular page or through the tags I use and finally because of my feedbacks in other people photos.

I love to take photos of stray cats and dogs mostly and you know how important is the “cat” hashtag in Instagram.

I think a lot of people came from this hashtag.


Which is your favorite pic?


I love Istanbul, the city I live very much. It´s more than expected that my favorite photo is an Istanbul photo.

I think Istanbul is a dreamy city. Its architecture, its incredible history and variety of people.

Istanbul has been a multicultural world city for centuries and it is feeding my imagination, coloring my life.  Without forgetting its magnificent Bosphorus straight. (see here)


What was your first reaction when had your first Pop?


I was in a rock bar in Beyoglu.

It was very crowded and noisy and suddenly I saw a message in my Iphone screen… “Your photo makes popular”!!!

I felt I was just  THE rock star on that moment!


Do your “non Instagramers” friends and family are bothered by your IG addiction?


They think I’m totally addicted to Instagram but when they finally saw my photos, they really love them and then support me to go on feeding my addiction.


A funny anecdote in your short Instagramer life?


There are so many funny moments in Instagram…. The anecdote that made me most laugh was when an IGer recognized me in the street while I was taking a photo of a cat and suddendly told me…

– “Are you Civilking????”

I felt a Rock Star too!


A trick you would recommend?


I think it´s very important to be nice and give feedbacks to other users. In terms of photography, It´s important to be always ready to take the best shot too!

Take risks! Sometimes you have to be fast because good shots lasts just a short moment!


Something you would say to a new user?


Enjoy! And Be patient!

If you are really good and enjoy your work, people will finally find you.

And don’t be afraid in trying again and again editing pics. Free your creativity and imagination!


Thanks you very much Civilking. I hope our Instagramers will enjoy this interview and your awesome stream.

