Art Mobile, a Book Made By and For Mobile Photographers

Art Mobile, a Book Made By and For Mobile Photographers

ARTmobile is an editorial project aimed at publishing, in book format, the work of outstanding photographers who capture and edit their pictures on smart phones. . A pioneering book unique in its genre, different from those books published so far, in which each author...

Do you want to be part of Instagramers Gallery next exhibition?

Do you want to be part of Instagramers Gallery next exhibition?

Is it all about numbers? . Did you know that 90% of the data saved today was created in the last 2 years? And that Twitter processes 7 terabytes of data per day? Or there is more than 70 million pics uploaded to Instagram each day?   We produce enormous quantities of...

Websta’s Birthday Giveaway Contest on Instagram

Websta’s Birthday Giveaway Contest on Instagram

Websta's Birthday Giveaway Contest on Instagram . Our friends at WEBSTA (@websta_me) are celebrating their 4th birthday and they're giving away exciting phoneography prizes! If you're a traveler, a beginner, a producer on the go, or if you're looking for a device to...

Get your Best Moments Video on Instagram 2014

Get your Best Moments Video on Instagram 2014

Get Your Best Moments on Instagram 2014 . Get Your Best Instagram Moment 2014 on a Short Video Recap . If  Statigram did a great job in 2013 with their MemoStatigram in 2013, the creative french company (renamed as strikes back in 2014 . The year is...

Je Suis Charlie Best Tribute on Instagram Not Made by Banksy

Je Suis Charlie Best Tribute on Instagram Not Made by Banksy

Je Suis Charlie Best Tribute on Instagram Not Made by Banksy . This morning, @mashable published this amazing image as popular Bansky´s Instagram account creation but the real author is in fact @lucille_clerc (twitter: @lucilleclerc ). Whomever penned it.. It´s a...

14 best Instagram gift ideas from 2014

14 best Instagram gift ideas from 2014

14 best Instagram gift ideas from 2014 . Every year new Instagram related products pop up and we think they are all pretty cool! We have made a selection of the 14 best Instagram gift ideas from last year, according to our taste. . 1. Hofmann | Start the New Year with...

Instagramers Gallery
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