How to reset your password on Instagram?
Problems to log in on Instagram? We help you to recover your Instagram password in a simple few steps!
New Instagramers Gallery 2020
Our Instagramers Gallery team has selected about twenty Instagram accounts that will be exhibited from April 2020 and during the next twelve months. The exhibition contains more than 200 photos that cover the five continents and different styles.
Join our new #UrbanPeekAtHome contest with @ferrovial
Share with us your best photos of your architectural environment, photographs of urban buildings
Instagramers Gallery 2020 Artists Biographies
Instagramers Gallery 2020 New Artists Background . OUR INSTAGRAMERS GALLERY ARTISTS IN A FEW WORDS . Our Instagramers Gallery team has selected around twenty Instagram accounts that will be exhibited during 2020. The exhibition consists of more than 200 photos that...
And these are the winners from our #MiVidaConectada Instagram contest!
We are happy to announce that we have finalized the selection of our first contest of the year: #MiVidaConectada (my connected life). You’ll be able to visit the exhibition from March 24th on.
#MiVidaConectada, the new Instagramers Gallery and Espacio Fundación Telefónica Instagram Contest
Join us in this brand new contest, first one of 2020, #MiVidaConectada (“my connected life”), launched by @igersgallery and @espacioftef. You have until March 8th to join.
And these are the winners from our #LivingVideoGames Instagram contest!
We are happy to announce that we have finalized the selection of our last contest of the year: #LivingVideoGames. You can now visit the exhibition at the Instagramers Gallery in Madrid!
#LivingVideoGames, the new Instagramers Gallery and Espacio Fundación Telefónica’s Instagram Contest
Please join us in our last photo-contest of the year! #LivingVideoGames, the new @igersgallery and @espacioftef’s, Instagram Contest. Starting NOW until November 17th (included).
And these are the winners from our #WavesInSummer Instagram contest!
We are happy to announce that we have finalized the selection of our summer contest: #WavesInSummer and soon you’ll be able to visit the exhibition at Instagramers Gallery / Espacio Fundación Telefónica in Madrid!
Icelandair Hotels, the most “Instagramable” and photogenic hotels in Iceland
We recently visited Iceland and discovered Icelandair Hotels, probably the most “Instagramable” and photogenic ohtels in Iceland