And these are the winners from our #MiVidaConectada Instagram contest!
We are happy to announce that we have finalized the selection of our first contest of the year: #MiVidaConectada (my connected life). You’ll be able to visit the exhibition from March 24th on.
#MiVidaConectada, the new Instagramers Gallery and Espacio Fundación Telefónica Instagram Contest
Join us in this brand new contest, first one of 2020, #MiVidaConectada (“my connected life”), launched by @igersgallery and @espacioftef. You have until March 8th to join.
¡Último concurso del año! #VeoCupulas – Instagramers Gallery y Espacio Fundación Telefónica
Con motivo de la exposición ‘Curiosidad Radical. En la órbita de Buckminster Fuller’, disponible en Espacio Fundación Telefónica hasta el 16 de marzo de 2021, te invitamos a compartir tus mejores imágenes de cúpulas, edificios, elementos arquitectónicos y de la naturaleza o efectos visuales tomando como inspiración las emblemáticas cúpulas geodésicas de Fuller, el genial pensador y diseñador americano.
Celebra los 10 años de Instagram y gana el Libro Instagram y Todos Sus Secretos
¡Participa en el concurso #IG🎂10 y gana la guía más completa sobre Instagram! Todos los días revelaremos el ganador del día anterior.
Focus On 1.85 Joe Grier – @ioegreer on Instagram
Focus On 1.85 Joe Greer - @ioegreer on Instagram . Instagram is where creative and talented people come together and find the perfect platform for self expression and creativity. . wants to contribute to your discovery of surprising and creative users...
Focus On 1.84 José Luis Barcia Fernandez – @joseluisbarcia on Instagram
Focus On 1.84 José Luis Barcia Fernandez - @joseluisbarcia on Instagram . Instagram is where creative and talented people come together and find the perfect platform for self expression and creativity. . wants to contribute to your discovery...
Focus On 1.83 Fahrudin Jahic – @fudojahic on Instagram
Focus On 1.83 Fahrudin Jahic - @fudojahic on Instagram Instagram is where creative and talented people come together and find the perfect platform for self expression and creativity. . wants to contribute to your discovery of surprising and...
Focus On 1.82 Alexander Shmakoff – @shmakoff_com on Instagram
Focus On 1.82 Alexander Shmakoff - @shmakoff_com on Instagram. Instagram is where creative and talented people come together and find the perfect platform for self expression and creativity. . wants to contribute to your discovery of surprising...
Printic, one of the easiest and fastest way way to order and prints from your smartphone… and with Valentines day just around the corner…
Printic, one of the easiest and fastest way way to order and prints from your smartphone...and with Valentines day just around the corner... . . A few weeks ago Iveta from PRINTIC contacted us and proposed that we ''test'' one of their exclusive products for the...
How to repost videos and photos on Instagram
How to repost videos and photos on Instagram . We love sharing our favorite moments on Instagram, but also other's photos and videos are worth sharing! Discover the ways to share a videos and photos you more than just love and give credit to the original poster while...